


12-15 sEP

Waterzeggerij, a wave of change, a flood of bewilderment is a performative installation that deals with water legislation, fears of water and our dealings with the nature in general. With this installation we want to shake up the bureaucracy to deal differently with living beings like water. To which we, humans, beings of water, are directly connected. The performance is ongoing just as our current system races with its detachment from everything else that lives. The performance will be partly in Dutch and in English.


12 September between 18:00 – 22:00 13 September between 18:00 – 22:00 14 September between 16:00 – 20:30 15 September between 16:00 – 20:30

headless into the sea

5-8 sEP

We need another figure,
 a thousand names of something else,
 to erupt out of the Anthropocene into another, big-enough story.“
 Donna J. Haraway, Staying with the Trouble
In “re:shape or headless into the sea” the audience is invited to witness a performer merge with the wobbles, a speculative species drawing inspiration from invertebrate marine animals. With the performer inside, the huge, soft, and shiny wobbles, made out of fabric, can morph through space.
By zooming in on the delicate movements of these hybrid and futuristic creatures, this work invites the audience to linger and immerse themselves in a world of fluid bodies, queer imaginaries, tentacular movements, hypersensitivity, and other-than-human temporalities.


Dates and Opening times.
05/09/24 19.00 
06/09/24 20.30 
07/09/24 17.00 
08/09/24 19.00

You can see the past and upcoming events on our instagram page